How to Make a NotebookLM Podcast with Your Voice Clone

How to Make a NotebookLM Podcast with Your Voice Clone

Creating a podcast with your own voice clone is an exciting way to add a personal touch to your content and connect more authentically with your audience. While Google NotebookLM offers impressive capabilities for generating podcast-like content, it currently does not support cloning your voice. If you want to create a podcast with a personalized touch using your own voice clone, Jellypod is the ideal solution.

In this post, we'll explore how to create a voice clone podcast using Jellypod, and why this approach is the best choice for content creators looking for full customization and control.

Can You Use Your Voice Clone with Google NotebookLM?

Unfortunately, Google NotebookLM does not offer the ability to clone your voice or choose a specific voice for the podcast it generates. The voices are pre-set, and there are no options for personalization. This makes it challenging if you want your podcast to have a personal touch that reflects your unique voice and style.

Why Use Your Voice Clone for a Podcast?

  • Personal Connection: Using your own voice helps create an authentic connection with your listeners, making your content feel more genuine and relatable.
  • Brand Identity: Your voice is part of your brand, and using it in your podcasts can help reinforce your brand identity and consistency across different content formats.
  • Unique Style: A voice clone allows you to maintain your unique style, tone, and expression, ensuring your podcast stands out from others that use generic AI voices.

How to Make a Podcast with Your Voice Clone Using Jellypod

With Jellypod, you can easily create a podcast that features your voice clone. Here’s how to do it:

1. Create Your Voice Clone

First, you'll need to create a voice clone. Jellypod provides an easy way to clone your own voice using AI. Simply record a few sample phrases, and Jellypod's AI will generate a digital version of your voice that you can use in your podcasts.

2. Visit the Hosts Tab

Go to the Hosts tab in Jellypod. Here, you can create a new host using your cloned voice. You can also add other details such as the name, backstory, language, accent, and gender to give your podcast host a personality that aligns with your brand.

3. Generate Your Podcast Script

Use Jellypod to generate your podcast script. You can provide the topics, sources, and key points you want to cover. Jellypod will create a structured script that reflects your ideas.

4. Assign Your Voice Clone to the Script

Once your script is ready, assign your voice clone to narrate it. Jellypod will convert the text into audio using your voice, giving your podcast a personal and authentic sound.

5. Customize and Edit

Jellypod allows you to customize every aspect of your podcast. You can edit the script, adjust the pacing, and decide how much time to spend on each section. This gives you full control over the content and delivery of your podcast.

6. Distribute Your Podcast

Finally, use Jellypod's automated distribution feature to publish your podcast across major platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. This ensures your personalized content reaches a wide audience effortlessly.

Why Choose Jellypod Over Google NotebookLM?

While Google NotebookLM is a great tool for generating podcast-like content, it lacks the ability to personalize the voice or provide advanced customization options. Here's why Jellypod is the better choice:

  • Voice Cloning: Jellypod allows you to clone your own voice, adding a personal touch that NotebookLM cannot offer.
  • Full Customization: With Jellypod, you can customize the script, pacing, and content structure, giving you complete control over the final output.
  • Better Voices: In addition to your own voice, Jellypod offers a wide variety of high-quality AI voices, including different accents and styles, allowing you to create the perfect podcast for your audience.


If you want to create a podcast that truly reflects your personality and brand, using a voice clone is the way to go. While Google NotebookLM offers basic podcast generation capabilities, Jellypod provides the advanced features you need to make a personalized, high-quality podcast—including the ability to clone your voice.

Ready to create a podcast with your voice clone? Get started with Jellypod today!

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