Create customizable,
AI podcasts in minutes.

Design your AI podcast's hosts, sources, and outline. We'll automate the script writing, audio creation, and global publishing.

We've already created 35,000+ AI podcasts. Join today!

Hero Video


Jellypod automates podcasting with AI, allowing you to focus on designing your content while we handle the details.

AI Podcast Generation
Create studio-quality AI podcasts in minutes with our drag-and-drop interface.
Add Sources
Connect URLs, PDFs, & other data sources for up-to-date, relevant content.
Instant Voice Clones
Create on-brand hosts by cloning your own voice or your teams' voices.
Custom AI Hosts & Voices
Create the perfect AI hosts with studio voices, international accents, & custom backstories.
Content Director
You control the content and desired effort. Set a topic, craft an outline, or just tweak the final transcript.
Easy Sharing Options
Publish to Spotify & other major podcast platforms. Share a link. Download the MP3. Embed on a dedicated website.

Everything you need
in a single platform.

From podcast design to distribution and monetization, Jellypod allows anyone to become a podcaster in just a few minutes.

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Get instant access to our beta as soon as it's ready. You'll be among the first to experience our product.