Create Podcasts in Any Language

Create Podcasts in Any Language

Jellypod now supports creating podcasts in over 25+ different languages, including Spanish, French, Hindi, and many others. This addition marks an incredible step forward for our platform, allowing anyone to become a global content creator independent of the language barriers.

Although English is the most widely spoken language in the world, we know that our users want to create content for their audiences, wherever they may be. With Jellypod, you can now craft podcasts that reasonate deeply, whether you're targeting German-speaking travelers, Chinese entrepreneurs, or Italian soccer fans.

Our multilingual capabilities don't just translate your script from English; it's writing your podcast natively in your chosen language, using idiomatic phrases and expressions specific to that language. This key feature helps to improve conten accessbiity and engagement, strengthing connections to your listeners wordlwide.

To get started, create a new podcast and select a language from the dropdown window.

Language Selector

Our supported languages are: English, Spanish, French, Hindi, Portuguese, Chinese, German, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Korean, Indonesian, Italian, Dutch, Turkish, Polish, Swedish, Filipino, Malay, Romanian, Ukrainian, Greek, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovak, Tamil.