Newsletter Database
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Quastor is a free newsletter that summarizes technical blog posts and provides in-depth analysis of interesting tech and FAANG interview questions and solutions. The newsletter covers topics such as frontend, backend, machine learning, and data engineering. It also includes overviews of software engineering trends, research paper summaries, and more.
Pointer: Pointer is a reading club for developers. It's a window into what current and future CTOs are reading and thinking about. Super high quality engineering-related content, not just trendy topics or link bait.
Hacker Newsletter: Since 2010, we've put out a weekly newsletter of the best articles on startups, technology, programming, and more. All links are curated by hand from Hacker News.
A Life Engineered: Steve Huynh is a YouTuber, a Principal Engineer, & a productivity junkie. He believe that if we take a structured and engineering approach to our lives and careers we can achieve anything we want.
The Pragmatic Engineer: Big Tech and startups, from the inside. Highly relevant for software engineers and managers, useful for those working in tech.
ByteByteGo: Explain complex systems with simple terms, from the authors of the best-selling system design book series.
Our team manually vetted this newsletter, and was last updated on June 14, 2024. If you are the author and would like to update the information shown on this page, please email us at If you'd like to submit a newsletter to our database, please do so here.